Sunday, 24 June 2018

Our Sky
Written by Lissi Freya Humblestone. Pictures by Leith Robertson Photography.
  • The Moon
  • Nebulas
  • The Milky Way
  • The Hubble Deep Field
  • Stars And The Sun
  • Supernova

Chapter 1
(The Moon)
The Moon is a natural satellite in our solar system that is closest to earth  and we can see it at night, during the day, and in solar and lunar eclipses. I will explain and How it formed.

After the earth was formed and before the ozone layer was formed, basically before earth was livable, an asteroid hit earth and what was hit off by the astroid became the beautiful moon we see today.
Chapter 2
Nebulas are commonly thought to be galaxys.
(Mostly on the internet.)  
But no. they are in fact not galaxys. All nebulas are is basically gas, dust and various stars.
The nebulas colours depend on the type of gas and are very beautiful. Also, if the gas were to be methane, it would explode!  The most common gases are Helium and Hydrogen
Chapter 3
The milky way is a galaxy containing our solar system and is really pretty. it also kinda looks like a Nebula.

Chapter 4
(The Hubble Deep Field)
The Hubble Deep Field has things like, Nebulas, Galaxies, Planet's, Star Clusters, stuff like that. It’s basically a very small part of the universe.

Chapter 5
(Star Clusters)
Star Clusters are, well, clusters of stars! The name doesn't lie! They kind of look like an explosion, but of white, and light yellow dots.

Chapter 6
(Stars And The Sun)
As you may know, the sun is a star. NOT in fact a planet. And all stars basically are, is compacted gas! So the sun is a incredibly big star that we orbite!

Chapter 7

A supernova is a star exploding when it runs out of molecular fuel and it is a HUGE explosion.  

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