Bad Choices
“I’ve made bad choices. I think we all have but mine, mine were worse than yours. I bullied, cheated, and lied. I’m a bad person. One of the memories I have of bullying is when I bullied Sara one day.
‘Hi sara! You must of eaten a lot over the holiday! Did you eat seven cakes everyday?’
‘What!? NO! Are-are you saying I’m… fat?”
‘Wow Sara, you really have a good grasp of the OBVIOUS!’ And then Sara ran off crying. I did that kind of thing a lot to her. And others.
I hate myself for doing all that stuff to people. I 100% have no self confidence just like the people I bullied. I was complete trash. I did this all to myself, and here’s the story.
‘Okay class, time for attendance.’
‘Yes Mr Valacy.’ The whole class said like robots. I was on my phone not paying attention.
‘Janiva?’ I still wasn't paying attention.
‘JANIVA!’ I looked up.
‘If you know I’m here, why did you still ask if I’m here? I just don’t get it!’
‘Janiva, it’s not just- ugh. Forget it.’ I responded with an evil grin, and continued tweeting.
‘Okay now attendance is done, POP QUIZ!’ Everyone gave a sigh, but I didn’t care because my nose was in a top trends article. He slipped a sheet in front of everyone. IT WAS MATH!
Uh, so… I’M HORRIBLE AT MATH AND I FORGOT THIS WAS MATH CLASS! Anyway, I dramatically gasped.
‘I expect everyone’s sheet to be finished by tomorrow.’ I’m really bad at math but I wasn’t worried, I was gonna steal the answer sheet.
After class, I slipped the answer sheet into my bag. The ONE wrong thing about doing this is Sara. She has the same bag as me and on multiple occasions, she went into my bag thinking it was her’s. That was the flaw in my plan, but I didn’t think of it.
At my school, we had hooks for our bags on one wall, and our lockers on the other. We could put our bags on any hook and not just the ones opposite to our lockers. We had them on hooks because the lockers were not big enough for books AND our bags. Wow. I just said like 10 ‘ours.’
Later that day, I bullied more people and stole answer sheets for more tests. A kid in my math class came up to me and said
‘JANIVA! I KNOW YOU STOLE THE ANSWER SHEET TO MATH CLASS!’ Everyone around us and 7 miles away gasped.
‘WHAT!? NO! Mr V let me take it and I could figure out how he got the answers.’ One of my many lies.
‘Mhm. Well then just ask Mr V, Jack.’
‘I WILL.’ He didn’t. All he did was go up to Mr V and talk about pineapples. This is the conversation.
‘Yeah, I just don’t like them. The acid gives me an upset tum tum.’ Like DUDE THIS IS HIGH SCHOOL! Any way while that happened, I went up to Noah, my boyfriend at the time.
‘HAH! Talk about a tattletale.’
‘Janiva… did you really steal the answer sheet?’
‘Okay babe. I’m sorry.’
‘You BETTER BE!’ I broke up with him later that day. I normally had one-day relationships.
At 3.00PM it was the end of school. I went to my bag and groaned. Sara was there. I realized, THE ANSWER SHEETS! I SCREAMED,
‘DON’T OPEN MY BAG!’ It was too late. She pulled out all the sheets. I was covered with the math sheet but not the others. She, and everyone else let out a gasp. My secret was out that I do that every day.
‘NO NEED!’ That was when my life started to go down hill. She told the principal, I got in-school suspension, he told my parents, I got grounded. It. Was. HELL! Everyday when I went to school, I only heard whispers. I still bullied but it didn’t make me feel better. The school felt so… gloomy.
‘Oh, hi Sara THE TATTLETALE! Did you know that you RUINED MY LIFE YOU FAT PIG?’
‘Whatever Janiva.’
‘HAH! YOU THINK THIS IS THE END?! IT. JUST. STARTED.’ And it did. I ruined her reputation, self confidence; I made everyone hate her. It didn’t really make me feel that better, but yeah. Everyone soon feared me. I didn’t want that. I wanted to be the mean popular girl again, not known as the bully. Even my past boyfriends were scared of me and they wanted me back before! This is how the conversation with Noah went!
‘Hey, Noah! I miss you!’ And he said TO MY FACE,
‘FOR A DAY!’ Then he walked off. It hurt.
I soon had no friends. Not even mean popular girls. They just thought I was… mean, TOO mean.
NO ONE LIKED ME! I HAD NO ONE TO TALK TO! I considered suicide. Luckily I was a senior and it was the end of the year. I knew that at college, no one would know and I could make new friends. WRONG. Sara, was at the same fashion school that I got enrolled in. She was into that kind of thing too. She told everyone in university about me. She was talking to someone about me in the dormitory hall.
‘She made my, and a lot of other people's life hell.’
‘SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP! I THOUGHT THIS PLACE WOULD BE FRESH START WHERE I COULD MAKE FRIENDS AND YOU RUINED IT! THANKS A LOT SARA!’ I ran off crying. Just like she did on the first day of highschool senior year. You know what? I don’t deserve that. I wanted a start over were I don’t bully and I’m nice and THAT’S how I get popular. By being nice. BUT SHE RUINED IT FOR THAT YEAR. Anyways, back to the story.
She looked at the floor and then shouted at me,
‘YOU DON’T NEED A THIRD CHANCE YOU MORON! YOU WASTED IT! YOU MADE MY LIFE HELL AND NOW IMMA GONNA DO THE SAME TO YOU!’ I was pretty good friends with my dorm mate but she was the one Sara was talking about me with. It stung. I lost my only friend to Sara.
Later that night, I got the aspirin tin. I was gonna commit suicide. I had nothing to look forward to in life. No friends, disappointed parents, so, so many tests and exams, Nothing to look forward to at all.
I sat on the sofa with the tin. Eliza came home. She saw me sobbing about to take all the asperin.
‘WHY NOT!? NO ONE LIKES ME! I HAVE NO FRIENDS AND DISAPPOINTED PARENTS!’ I took 15 of the tablets and blacked out.
‘WHY NOT!? NO ONE LIKES ME! I HAVE NO FRIENDS AND DISAPPOINTED PARENTS!’ I took 15 of the tablets and blacked out.
At about 8.03AM, I woke up. No one came to see me. Not even my family. And they had a reason to. I bullied and now I felt the pain of everyone who I bullied.
‘Uh, Janiva, You have some people who came here to visit you…’ My face brightened with happiness. The nurse opened the door and my family, roommate, Sara, and my past boyfriends flooded in through the door.
‘OH MY GOD! JANIVA! YOUR SO HOT NOW!’ My ex’s shouted.
‘DAMN IT!’ It was so funny. I got so many hugs I aced by the end of the day. And even after that and being loved, I still feel empty-”
“I’m sorry Miss Oak, thats all the time we have for today. I’m diagnosing you with depression.”
“Oh, okay.”
The End